
Showing posts with the label hip hop

I can't believe 50 years since the civil rights act and things are far from civil

Image why aren't Afro Canadians protesting? Our state is complacent transient at best unfortunately until it happens here it just might be another day at the news park. 600 years of conditioning needs a reboot urgently. If only   the young able bodied boys out there could focus on uniting organizing educating and contradicting the system designed to eternally damn us. The only way is crash deprogramming not by only one person but all over 30 that know should do this to brethren as tradition from now on a small dip of W history and boycott commercialized vulture controlled hip hop which has branded a people for 30 years of the same if not worse esteem sub culture not  united as punk rock or even jazz now is. In the 90's the ball was dropped as our demographic was a new generation of naive 20 sames and our forebears were sweating to make our homestead while the oppressed were starting to grow a new birth rate of "...

Gary Low - La Colegiala (Extended Disco Fast Version)

Image Moms Mabley - "Abraham, Martin & John" (Merv Griffin Show 1969) Giant Inkjet Printers Might Be the Secret to Cheap OLEDs

Wings Earth Free

Image,9171,2157468,00.html?pcd=v5-magmod Nearly 50 tornadoes reported as of 4 p.m. ET as a severe weather system moved through the Midwest, the National Weather Service said. A LOOK AT EXTREMIST ATTACKS ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT Bottle Rocket - Wings Free: Flight Simulator - #iTunes Finally some good news on health advancements! Hologram Doctor? ROBOTS LET DOCTORS 'BEAM' INTO REMOTE HOSPITALS BY  TERENCE CHEA  ASSOCIATED PRESS need Obamacare?

Urokz Ford is not the mayor of Canada

Review on Minuum keyboard, Gravity the 3D interactive astronaut simulation game is here and it's real ! God bless America but why are American comedians giving advice on recovery to what they believe is the mayor of Canada? Time for Canada to balls up and make the change within the "system" that is just as heavily corrupted. Of course, Quebec needed a break! The big picture stems down to the communities that suffer silently from white collar, financial, and political injustice and oppression. Blighted, Main & Hastings in Vancouver has a cop shop right next door by Gastown near a port. How could any leader be screened for human nature or dysfunction? Ethics will always be challenging to be made right and left but no center or redemption. Law and ethics and media the new norm is established but has more power to divide. Breaking News: Postal service inspections in US involved in major child porn bust FYI...

Rocket Robbie Crack Hood

Crack_cocaine Well and it is a bitch now Rob Ford with his arms or shall we say to be armed twisted behind him confessing to doing cool star of this whole mellow over mellow dramatic stories in the news crack cocaine no first what we need to do is examined and get a little knowledge on why crackle pain is such a big player in this follies of political espionage unseen yet in Canadian milky clean history as we know all of our politicians across the country in in different provinces and cities don't do drugs they just make deals to somehow cement in or sell them on BART skill yes it's true while we are shocked to see after hounding the big beast for months upon the whole summer thank God it wasn't an Olympic season that this guy was hanging with some bad boys and of course messed it up by being bondable when Camera got teeth someone shoot a video of him to send him a done add to the sto...

coming up ....The problem of racism will be solved in our times. Guaranteed by me.

Image and then there's "trouvez l'error"... It’s Time For African-American Men to Wake Up


Richard Raybourne Digital Resume Toronto, Canada UrokzTheBeaTGeneration review is a freelance vlog curator on current affairs, entertainment, simulator games, and health Greetings! My name is Richard Raybourne, and I am wholeheartedly interested in your endeavors to bring entertainment, neuron technology, simulation, and augmented reality health sciences to the masses finally! Digital Roots I am 44 years old and was born in Montreal, Quebec Canada. I am part of the last generation X’ers born post star trek/pre-digital tech and played with actual toys. "The Six Million Dollar Man" set, Pong, Electronic Quarterback (1980 Coleco), Digital Derby (1977), original Astro Blaster arcade champion 1979, Pink Panther pinball champion. Last game of Joust in 1982 with my treasured original Timex LCD digital watch (red digits 76' with suede band),my aunt from Queen...

Rob Ford vs media UrokzThe Beat Generation

Urokz Editorial Update for May 28 2013 Hot button Rob Ford on da pipe, was this scripted for an episode of "Profiling or what? Where is the video? tell you what . Give me the money or all the hassles I had in life. Since i represent a community that has been damaged also by media attention and reputation. Possible future victims of tension and discrimination as presented in the news papers. So it may seem. After free reign of will at the moment will open up Pandora s boxes for anyone that has been captured on any media device, most notably now the common cell phone. I predict there will be a doctored video to arise where the legal and forensic examination will be so ridiculous a waste of tax payers money somebody somewhere has to get a slap up the head for starting all this shit.That Wag is getting just a little to in our face and lives, on a reality tip that could lead till general mistrust on a global scale until, someone "better' like a Perfect Jesus comes along. Gove...

Duty Driver Full download Google Android App

By far the best virtual feeling of driving on an Android yet! Completing runs, and missions. challenging in both tilt and right left steer controls! The design of the interior sport car is solid sweet in dimension when driving in first person which could be switched by selecting Menu/Selection on an Android phone (bug: cannot switch views with my Acer100 Tablet)! Worth a buck to get all the access but I would pay 5$ for more routes and places worldwide. Definitely more vehicles are needed as well as unlimited tasks/drives through the city. Possibly some interaction with people. The detail in graphics are mad tight all round as well as positive recovery after a crash, which means no unnecessary restart unless your vehicle is upside down! Unlike the grandad GTA its not so hardcore an extremely meditative/stress releasing. Look forward to more! Duty Driver download Real Trucker LM 3D is a Truck Simulator game for Android. .Android.RealTrucker download Is quite a virtual workout as ...

Happy Days Bronze the Fonz reunion


Vehicle Simulator Age for retired Boomers!

Vehicle Simulator is inexpensive simulation packets add-ons by Ilan is THE $!! I am so loving this investment and customer service, definitive challenging for co ordination and meditative appeal. Quality Simulations Library is worth the singing up, as there are ...100 dreds of planes! crafts , land, ships, life! Need bee the best yet to come would be where a virtual"glasses" could work and of course spacial flight vehicles akin to Orbitor. Full shake up virtual report and technical ease coming up!

FLIGHT GEAR X-PLANE ORBITER 2010 plus other workout APPS

My simulation flying, neuro-robotics review with links and technical written instructions! also I review what I have learning @  AI master class with Berkeley! Buy a flying car today and live the future NOW with Terrafugia! Practice brain skills to fly a UFO or ghost! Go to space like Chris Hatfield! DOWNLOAD ORBITER 2010 FREERIGHT NOW

Serial killing of black boys and young black men

The eve of Black History Month for 2013 ended with an abrupt fade out. They were practically still in diapers in the year 2000. 911 was still a year away. Hip Hop was in full effect in culture as a mainstream. The business of cellular and social network still a new horizon. Today I hear of another bang out in Toronto. It wasn't Christian to do such deeds by our grandmothers standards. I grew up in a time when the only identity was being Canadian to assimilate work the best. This was the reason to move the tyranny of that "Independence" which ironically we see has it state now which is just as dire. My Gran used to say back then, 'be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher or a preacher." Basic programmed instructions. My mom warned me from her experiences in university that it wouldn't be always easy. In Canada while there was no same race riot we had issues in Concordia University c...

Afro Fatherhood Today walking down the street I saw a gentleman. He was about 6'4. Dressed in black ankle length jeans broken sock less shoes beaten from the salt of motors. A puffed out of style female cut black coat he breezes willfully to ask anyone within proximity of his hand out contact for money. Unshaven he still pursues to and manages to occasionally get a loose change or on a good day a five dollars. I have seen this chap do this for years. There is also that gentleman in his graceful years completely carrying a wisdom of deep humility to grovel on the subway floor. Unattainable to even speak with because simply no one generally does speak to him. Where he sleeps at night is not likely a shelter. His skin is earthed and beaten hard possibly many times physically. If not some poison altered his mind to a state that his is living incomprehensible  Y...

Guns and Blacks

obama-reflects-absent-father-gun-violence-appeal- Tonight could every parent of every child  have a sincere talk with their daughter of son and ask firmly as a parent what are they doing and attempt to be frank candid blunt terse  staunch  at best  and request that for  logical humane reasons to avoid the violence by being deliberate and selective with heir friends. Socially the world has changed in relationships and also has friendship. That is just the fact. From the mouths of babes we have to really start to pay hard attention. After all gradually humanity has made progress if not through some better good.  influence of youth to help make broad changes to conscious and "critical spiritual thinking". Jesus Joan of Arc. From birth life is geared to the demographic that caters industry, pacifically on able ...

Get ready for a doozie! Dramatic Holiday world events

The UN has granted statehood to Palestine. A draft constitution to a new democracy is in the works by the new temporary Pharoah who has brokered the cease fire. Liberal and Christians are concerned. If  Yassir Arafat, was assasinated by poisoning, if proven then one could only imagine taking this to highest military court. Canada and the US has some retaliation in the works by cutting off aid. Yet most of the world Euro and Eastern leaders are in agreement, the arguement is about once again using the legal strategy of holding Israel accounatble for war crimes. Well, at least it beats having to fight it out, but law it out. The battle for money to impoverish the other or send to serve time. These days it feels like a war on who is the best tribe, or races, to once again, fight for free land and discriminate and again as once again some communites have special interest" groups. aka sometimes community defenders of a silent of often oppresive group. For example when mayflower, new l...

Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me/Beauty And A Beat (Live 2012 Amer...

Mrs.Alla believes Justin Bieber is totally out of control!! Lindsay Middle East Malala Lance Armstrong Rob Ford America Canada World wide That damn HATE! WTF is it about all the energy that is wasted on haters? As I recall back in the nineties TROLLs were anon cyber peeps that would cruise and Navigator web on early Facebook aka simple post replies to a forum page. Now it seems like with all this freedom of expression and right to it. All kinds of bully like tactics are creeping up everywhere! Pursecuting , humiliating , and attempting to murder. The new hatred propreganda is brewing while many are just simply trying to concentrate on our peace of mind. With self help or spiritual guidence. Suicides and bullying hasn’t ceased or decreased since Todd and Malala. As recent a young girl  with disablity is mocked , The mayor of Toronto Canada Rob Ford is so hated he actually has been kicked out by the people who didnt vote for him, longtime coming. Lance Armstron...

Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for...

RaindanceResist gets straight to the point! Urokz VLOG The Beat Generation : Amanda Todd's suicideonline request for help. Where were you? Published on Oct 13, 2012 by Richard Raybourne Now RaindropsResist, is speaking common sense! Just one thing I cannot help but think of is what about the people that survive? What is that definition of Bullying to the point that we must consider our sensitivities take over our emotions to the point of suicide. True words can most definately hurt more than an actual punch or kick in the stomach. Yet maybe we should ponder is it just human to be mean or are we being just too weak and spoilt a society that we let so many insignificant things like looks and cloths and class get to us. Consider as example. That poor bone staving child in the dessert. She is not thinking of her lipstick, weight, or favorite color of nail design. Her best friend, a boy of the same age most likely, also beyond his dehydration as most days, both go to fetch...