
Showing posts with the label self help

TIFF: m0851 Fall Fashion-2014 W FRANKLYN DUBERRY

INTERVIEW WITH FRANKLYN DUBERRY district manager AUTHENTIQUE DEPUIS 1987 YORKVILLE 38 AVENUE RD/ + 1 416 920 4001 BAYVIEW VILLAGE MALL 2901 BAYVIEW AVENUE/+ 1 416 250 0851 I was on my jolly pre birthday way home to broil a steak and house out on the final format of my novella FRESH, when I happened to come across, the Yorkville fashionistas blocko !  Wine, cheese, and full effects of lovely people (mostly the ladies of course!), grooved and shopped on a reliable brand name when it comes to leather goods for the fall season 13-14 with M0851.   I noticed much soft leather fabric. Clean contemporary displays of high shelf items, Bombers, gloves, needed for the cold winter ahead in 2014!  Sturdy as acclaimed by patrons who have been going there for 10 years! The history has broadened world wide! breath Such sweet staff and on the spot service! Full demand on full ra...

War Needs No More Chances

Once again we the are on brink of the tiresome threat of some global war conflict. Again. Children, babies, girls, parents, siblings are the victims. Where does such gall come from, to dictate to and influence the illiterate and oppressed. Educated leaders have always been the ones to lead by example to represent the people. Like Castro, Putin, had counter pointed the west based on the legitimate, that they had been well read and educated to influence the socially vulnerable. Promises to make better a stronger union of the material world they, asked pawns, serfs, to carry out tasks in order to get fed, enlisted to fight for an honor of the masticates they paid taxes to. We still entrust particular individuals with an appointed team to be responsible for the nations of a people. Not to gas out the people as a means to make a barbaric point. How on earth could this be in such an advanced time of enlightenment? Passover is a direct reference to the genocide of children (written as maj...

Security Alert Days in the weather Hot off the press! Jesus is back from the dna of Found Cross? Al Quada alert. Might want to reconsider. Remember "Stand Your Ground? I have a feeling many "red blooded" patriotic Americans and cousins here in Canada might be a little on the edge these days and they wont have must resistance to a potential racial threat they might cause to put themselves in. Now how does Edward Snowdon fare in this as he is the leaker (chillin in a spot where I feel was a stupid move)? Well maybe he has all that core intelligent defense information tools and some names but if he has info on conversations on terror then that considered full out espoinne. I am glad to know that my taxes pay at least to protect my ass as long as I keep within the boundaries of moral and secure conduct. If I was planning to do something really stupid to harm someone virtually even by fraudulent or mischevious tact premeditated intent. Then by all means smoke them out...

Urokz The Beat Generation: Who knows?

Kinect: the end of the type keyboarding era by  PrimeSense  now in this "future" age! Props to The West gang with North! Prince William grown up for real real! From the day you registered for a social insurance number, or an email address with one of the landmark titan servers of the era namely Netscape, your electronic information has always been compromised.  I recall in the year 1988 when I first saw electronic mail come to be screened in pale ms dos font running right off some word processor from Lloyds Electronics. A telephone line was needed in order to receive the "buzzwewow" fibre optic sound to fax the visible screen information post scripted on the screen with around 2  to 5 sentences. Today the confusion most likely started with the eventually "meme" produced Rob "base' Ford video that most likely doesn't exist. This was an undercover reason for the ...

Vehicle Simulator Age for retired Boomers!

Vehicle Simulator is inexpensive simulation packets add-ons by Ilan is THE $!! I am so loving this investment and customer service, definitive challenging for co ordination and meditative appeal. Quality Simulations Library is worth the singing up, as there are ...100 dreds of planes! crafts , land, ships, life! Need bee the best yet to come would be where a virtual"glasses" could work and of course spacial flight vehicles akin to Orbitor. Full shake up virtual report and technical ease coming up!

Afro Fatherhood Today walking down the street I saw a gentleman. He was about 6'4. Dressed in black ankle length jeans broken sock less shoes beaten from the salt of motors. A puffed out of style female cut black coat he breezes willfully to ask anyone within proximity of his hand out contact for money. Unshaven he still pursues to and manages to occasionally get a loose change or on a good day a five dollars. I have seen this chap do this for years. There is also that gentleman in his graceful years completely carrying a wisdom of deep humility to grovel on the subway floor. Unattainable to even speak with because simply no one generally does speak to him. Where he sleeps at night is not likely a shelter. His skin is earthed and beaten hard possibly many times physically. If not some poison altered his mind to a state that his is living incomprehensible  Y...

Womb & man (draft editorial)

Wanna fly a plane? Virtually?!!! Director Karen Cho , Peggy Cooke (The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada),  Martha Friendly (Childcare Resource and Research Unit) and Barbara Mills (Founder of Sisters in Solidarity and Domestic Violence Consultant, Advocate and Lecturer) will be in attendance for a discussion after the screening. This screening is a co-presentation with the National Film Board of Canada, The Childcare Resource and Research Unit, The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, and the Philippine Women Centre of Ontario. The eve nt is BY DONATION. STATUS QUO? THE UNFINISHED BUSINESS OF FEMINISM IN CANADA Karen Cho / CA / 2012 / 87 ' / English First I was apprehensive. I donated my admission, women all staunch in their seats. I admit I was scared. I wast sure if I was going to be...

Urokz Vlog Oct 25 2012 week review point of view: Alexander Lincoln, Mal...

My thoughts on what is shaking the world up currently. Urokz Vlog Oct 25 2012 week review point of view: Alexander Lincoln, Malala, Todd, Africa, Ed Rienburgs African troops to the international rescue on terror! 3,200 African troops needed to fight rebels, Islamist militants in Mali, official says (Yahoo) King Solomon people face a challenge to the bone as they get ready. Is it wise that a continent already stewing with poverty, political corrption, world wide trade off in diamonds for unbelievable amounts of blood to fight for ...the right to religious freedom? To avoid more of the corruption and godless tyranny the children and woman already face? It could be touchy since I am sure the presence of rebels under covered the movement for years. IE who was chillin' in Pakistan and was the most wanted? Scary to predict but rebels have grown inside or infiltrated just like in America, Europe, Spain, London at this point to mess up even the freedom to be "properly corrupt...