
Showing posts with the label Virtual

Virtual Bus Driver or Trucker needed this summer!

Bus Simulator3D   is a very chillaxing game! You can drive and pick up passengers and drive to the next stop before the ample time given to complete the routes. Kids especially will love the selection of buses and virtual routes in the city. Tilt factor helps to feel the actual drive and velocity. Slight with the touch screen to turn drivers head left and right is a bit troublesome and there is no rear/side view mirrors. Only 2 cam view (interior good, exterior meh). A yellow arrow on the street will direct you to the next stop. You lose points if you hit a vehicle, but easy to redeem 100x points for each bus stop pick up. If completed with high scores many buses and route will be unlocked and its all free! Bonus free drive mode is wild! This is all ages and highly recommended for seniors or anyone with a need to get behind the wheel. Xtreme Soaring 3D  press <ready> and select <autopilot> to get into the air faster to practice flight for well over 30- 70 pl...

Urokz The Beat Generation: Who knows?

Kinect: the end of the type keyboarding era by  PrimeSense  now in this "future" age! Props to The West gang with North! Prince William grown up for real real! From the day you registered for a social insurance number, or an email address with one of the landmark titan servers of the era namely Netscape, your electronic information has always been compromised.  I recall in the year 1988 when I first saw electronic mail come to be screened in pale ms dos font running right off some word processor from Lloyds Electronics. A telephone line was needed in order to receive the "buzzwewow" fibre optic sound to fax the visible screen information post scripted on the screen with around 2  to 5 sentences. Today the confusion most likely started with the eventually "meme" produced Rob "base' Ford video that most likely doesn't exist. This was an undercover reason for the ...

Terrafugia is the flying car of today and the future

Of course it will take a revamp of licencing for both air and vehicle traffic. WinAmerican Idol ! Brady Bunch winners!

The rise of womens world

The Beat Generation Urokz Vlog President Barack Obama 2nd Inauguration Prayers Barack Obama waves to the camera which might as well be directly to me! :) ! Urokz Simulation and Augmented reality promo is right after!!             Beyonce sings emotional inspirational resilient Star Spangled Banner @ Barack Obama Inauguration. Urokz Vlog January 21st 2013 I am so proud to be part of this new era of positive change! After many a time has passed and many ancestral challenges have passed in the flesh and breath to put us who exists today to live the DREAM. Time for the genders to make peace and love not the war on women. My observations being now over forty, is that Oprah and Donahue somehow indirectly traumatized young men in Western culture, this is not to blame feminism boost in the least for the necessary advancements women needed in that era. When it comes to cultures on dating men just no longer have a clue how to be men. Advert...

Simulation Games Free Downloads for Christmas

Simulation Games Free Downloads for Christmas This article is dedicated to the simulation players hunger for a surreal mental brake into a virtual world where you could pretend to be Online holiday virtual simulation games for the imaginative, creative, engineering, or neurologically impaired. Downloads from Softonic were free unless you wanted to purchase another game with the same variation. Softonic has some of the most rad games such Trainz Driver, Mercedes CLC Dream Test Drive , Bus Simulator Pro, X Plane, Flight Gear is totally awesome as some of the best selections of planes Boieng 747, and a freakin flying saucer! It took me approximately, 5 hours to read through the PDF manual flight instruction during a few late night coffees and  curious trail and error. I carefully dabbed my keypad keys to find what could take the flights zooming off but like a simulation pilot you best follow patience to understand how simple flying, yaw, and switching camera views can be! ...

Teleportation in effect! Earth to mars and back!?

Craig Venter On Mars DNA Plan: 'We Can Rebuild The Martians' In Earth Lab: via HuffPost As I read this article I could only think "oh oh" this is where it starts to get funky. Taking some kind of matter and beam back it molecular structure by doing some of that good ole space magic. Now space peeps are speaking about using light like a beam to rush that particle back at crazy rates far beyond the speed of light. Now where I feel it might get funky is is it a really good idea to start bringing back all kinds of bacteria and space poop back, I mean if it is matter it must have some regeneration factor to it consistence. Either way there seems to be a recent urgency to get to the facts about our existence. Now that Rover is chilling on the sandy beach of mars. Bathing amongst stale powered h2o.Now could this be the break needed to break up humans psychical cellular and molecular and liquid being to uber nano dust ready to get shot out by a beam ...

Mayor Jean Drapeau and Le transport collectif à Montréal a 150 ans !

Always interesting to see history captured in such tools of photography that we now laugh as obsolete. Still, not one person in this documentary could have ever expected this would make great references in our Canadian history.  Moments captured in time, never knowing what has become of the citizens of that day, breathing that days air and drinking the water. Citizens travelling during that old ghostly Montreal winter to their ...well not likely gym, or yoga,...definitely not Hot Yoga. Perhaps the Great mother of the first three on her ways home to get the stove coals burning to bake that fat meat stew of three course. The Fatherman, probably doing what the law will allow amongst the men. Of similarity I am sure to note. Meat n potatoes, cigarettes and booze not on Sundays. Their young innocent children abstract of the future, we see now represented in them, of the time. Hopefully not to get bounced by Le Tramway. Jean Drapeau – Wikipedia, th...

Phase 1 Flight Test Video Clips: The Terrafugia Transition

This footage was taken as part of the test documentation media during Phase 1 Flight Testing of the Transition® Production Prototype at Plattsburgh International Airport in Plattsburgh, NY in June 2012. This is so awesome I look forward to learning how to fly by taking a pilots license ...(yes, imagine listening to techno or classical , or  reggae, coasting across the ocean. Time just in time for dinner! Techno ix of  Situation by Yazoo

The future is present and we now live like the Jetsons..

Terrafugia - Transition®, the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : Home Finally! The flying car..aka..Terrafugia - Transition® will be our grandchildrens next wave and mode of modern transportation. In a bid to save the environmental climate, and traffic pollution, get ready to get your driver's and pilots license to fly one of these babies straight to your home driveway by the year 2020! Finally, a team of dreamy engineering students realize the un thinkable in our modern history of human flight and time to travel. Most definitely would love one for before my retirement!

Billabong Surf Trip iPhone Gameplay Review -

The following clip is a previous review on YouTube about the Billabong Surf Trip by Andrew of AppSpy. These are my personal written reviews, for the novice player of simulation games: I found Billabong Surf Trip quite a tasty simulation surf app! Especially as sweet on the memory download on my Android phone and Acer 100. At first your brain needs a little time to register co ordination of familiarity by sliding your left thumb around the "Blue" left thumb controller to move your player on the board in any direction. Your "Blue" left thumb controller is sweet to practice just learning how to surf across (I recommend to start) as far left as you could surf away from the big wave approaching to your board from the right of the screen. You can take time to learn 'Cutbacks" and other easy tricks by just moving your "Blue" left thumb controller easily, lightly, swiftly, downwards, swinging slightly bottom left, then slightly bottom right...

The Quebec Files: Some Wiki History 21st Century style's_Bay_Company,_1982

O ....K. so what's new ? Dirty really dirty novels for women big deal about 50 Shades

Check out "Fifty Shades of Grey" so I'm like testing out my sweetheart Acer 100 in a Second Cup for screenwriter books for free and for some coincidence of planetary alignment I just received a sample of this dirty book. No one part of me, my inner curious yet wise self really couldn't care less about what it is about this sadomasochists love story is all about. At the same time , let's says for one night I decide to curl up with a glass of spit warm brandy, candle lit dimly as I soak surrendered in beach warm sea aloes and Epsom salts. Ready to turn on my romantic side to digest a story about lust attraction manipulation and possibly golden showers. Look, give me a break. I'm in Second Cup and I just got the free sample. I'll try to use it as a pick up line for now, read it later and get back to you. For now at least I doing something good... I'm writing.

My passion for virtual flying and the flying car society

Space Mini by Cathy Cardin when you have moment and need to meditate and experience how pidgon life flies in 3D this is survival! From on coming cars to bad weather as you build your nest with twigs ! This is definately an all ages brain and coordination game! The flying coordination is very easy with practice and trust your instinct and birds eye view !

Bronze the Fonz Milwaukee 2006 final rough cut Pt 1


Remembering the beat updated rebooted

Music has changed after the demise of greats Brotha MJ, Elvis or Buddy, Sam Marvin, John Lennon, Janis .. this set of MASH updated beats is in tribute to post beatnik vibes since the 1950s..which folked to hippy and new wave house acid hip hop rave robotic:  Respects to the DJS worldwide that MASH to the future!   Welcome to The Beat Generation! Can You Feel It rebooted  Can you feel it Omer Barzilay Good Vibrations rebooted Good Vibrations Stanton Bros Dancing Machine rebooted The Jacksons 5 Dancing Afro Robotics Henrik Schwarz Help rebooted Help The Cyber Beatles w lil Wayne E TRAIN respected 2012 Uptight rebooted Uptight Stevie Clash Watch "The re Beat GENERATION" on YouTube coming soon... Urokz